EGYPT: April 25 - May 18, 2004

Your Dictionary


Monday, May 17th, 2004 - Indiana Hotel, Room 501
Monday, May 17th, 2004 - Indiana Hotel, Room 501

This day was probably the least exciting of all my life, yet I did something I had never done before: I did not leave the hotel room. Not at all. Not for 5 minutes! I still didn’t feel very well, although this was probably more a problem of my head than my stomach. Yesterday I still thought I might visit Coptic Cairo or the big market today but now I couldn’t motivate myself to get out of bed. The TV was on for more than 12 hours today but I hardly watched. Instead I kept reading my guidebook on Ethiopia, telling myself that it was time to get prepared for the next step. In the end, it was almost as if I was afraid to leave the room. I thought this must be how someone feels who suffers from depression. I just couldn’t move! Loads of thoughts went through my head throughout the day, some good, some bad, but it all came down to the fact that I felt terribly alone…

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