ARGENTINA: February 3 - March 2, 2005

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Puerto Iguazú - Iguazú Falls
Just look at the pool... and this was a hostel!
The Iguazú Inn - one of the best hostels I ever stayed at
The mighty Falls of Iguazú : It doesn' matter if you've seen Niagara and Vic Falls - Iguazú definitely plays in the same league and is simply stunning
This semicircular part of the falls is called "Garganta del Diablo" - Devil's Throat!
I know you can hardly see it but there is a turtle on this stone
The previous visitors' bridge that was destroyed in a flood some years ago
There is quite a bit of wildlife around
The colours were amazing
The view towards Devil's Throat from further away
And a more panoramic view of the falls
By boat to Isla Grande San Martín inmidst of the falls
With Kelly and Emily, two American girls I met. As it turned out, both Emily and I had worked for EF in the past, she in Boston and me in Hamburg! To see more Pictures of Argentina, please click here.
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