BOLIVIA: March 10 - March 17, 2005

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Salar de Uyuni to La Paz
Another salt hotel at the border of the flats
One last look where we came from
Flags at the salt hotel
Thank you Uyuni for an amazing experience!
Funny enough, the first thing we saw after the salt flats was an old "train cemetary" - my dad would have been enthusiastic
"Se necesita un mecanico con experiencia" - the right place for me as a recruiter! (here I thought of my dear Staffing Team at CallHR!) I guess, this one sums it all up: "Asi es la vida"!
Some of them had interesting "words of wisdom" written on them. This one reads: "G W Bush - Como este tren terminaras - Fuck You"
From Uyuni to La Paz
Ross, Ian, Guillaume and Julien enjoying the first beer at a bar in Uyuni
Waiting for the train at Uyuni Station until almost 4 a.m.
La Paz View from the train when I woke up shortly before arriving
Arrival at Oruro at 10:30 the next morning from where I took a bus to LaPaz
The capital of Boliva, home to 1.6 million inhabitants, nestled in a valley of the surrounding Altiplano
LaPaz felt like my first contact with zivilisation after several weeks in wilderness and the noise, the pollution, the crowds of people in the narrow streets, all this hustle and bustle was overwehlming and hard to bear
Ian, Ross and I enjoying lunch at a vegetarian restaurant called "La Martina"!
A contemporary arts museum with glass roof and stained-glass panels designed by Gustave Eiffel (yes, the same guy who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris) - who would have thought to find this in Bolivia?
Another example of a modern building erected within a frame of old architecture which seems to be a popular style in South America
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