BOLIVIA: March 10 - March 17, 2005

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Excursion to Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca
According to Inca mythology, this island is the birthplace of the sun
Locals are waiting for the tourists to arrive
Once landed, everybody is keen to climb the famous Inca stairs to be rewarded with beautiful views across the lake
A dog and a sheep making first contact - guess who is who!
Getting back downstairs gets you out of breath quickly... don't forget we are still at 3820 m altitude!
Little girl at the bottom of the stairs
Me with two local girls and their baby lama; okay I paid for this photo but it was worth it!
Back to the boat
Goodbye to the locals
In the disctance we can see Isla de la Luna
On the way back to Copacabana we stopped at another island with some Inca ruins; later on I would see enough of them in Peru but at this point, I was still keen to explore them all
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