CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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San Pedro de Atacama - El Tatio Geysers
Carolin and Cornelia at 6am and about zero degrees - our first hot tea in the morning
At an altitude of 4300m, El Tatio Geyers is the world's highest geyser field. Tours to this place 95km north of Atacama leave at 4am in the morning - a crime if you ask me. Especially because when you arrive, it's still so dark you don't see anything anyway!
Nearby there is a hot spring and if you manage to force yourself to take your clothes off (come prepared, there are no changing rooms!), you are rewarded with a fine hot bath.
I liked these little grass tussocks, they somehow looked like troll punkheads
We continued the tour to a small village and on the way ran into a small herd of lamas; the young ones were sooo cute!
This pictures shows the village - and I mean the whole village we visited on this tour. The big white building is the church.
Locals in their backyard
The busy main street of this highly populated metropolis with no less than seven inhabitants! The rest has reportedly left to other places - well, who can blame them??
These two guys took it a little further and had lama shashlik on a stick while being photographed with the deceased's brother.

I didn't know them yet but we would end up travelling together in Bolivia!

One of the attractions of this place, was a lama you could stand close to in order to take a picture.
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