CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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Puerto Natales - on the way to Tierra del Fuego
These two dogs were barking at me from their first row window seat
Puerto Natales is a sleepy, small fishing port town, not really famous for anything, except perhaps for being a typical overnight stop for people on their way to Tierra del Fuego. Nevertheless, this is where I already started to feel this very strong bond with the region. I loved to be close to the sea again and I guess it just reminded me of home...
My hostel "Path@gone"
The town church at sunset By coincidence, this day was the "Feria de la Cultura Patagonica", a local festival with a little market of arts and handicrafts where I ran into this folkdance show - quite interesting for someone who used to do this kind of dance at home!
A tiny but typical food shop
I arrived at the end of the day but still went for a walk along the waterfront. It was almost mystical with the light and clouds when the sun set.
To the people I went to school with: Remember when we read "Sansibar oder der letzte Grund" in German class? Believe it or not but that story is what this bay reminded me of!
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The next day I took the bus to Punta Arenas. This was the view back to Puerto Natales. When I left, I wished I could come back for longer...