CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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Architecture in Punta Arenas
As mentioned on the previous page, I was so intrigued by the peculiar architecture of this place that I took a lot of pictures in the colourful streets of Punta Arenas...
The four houses below mark the four corners of a typical street crossing in a residental area of Punta Arenas. I stood in the middle of the crossing and just turned 90 degrees for each of these pictures. I loved it!
This was a little shop nearby my hostel. When I asked if I could take some pictures, the owner felt quite flattered and got all excited. Maybe he thought I was impressed by his premises but it really reminded me of the old wooden "Kaufmannsladen" I used to have when I was a child!
Almost as colourful on the inside than the rest of Punta Arenas - my hostel "Dinka's House" with a view of the breakfast table and the entrance.
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