CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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Santiago de Chile - South America's most European City
Pictures of a city stroll in Santiago
I loved this - it is a group of male soldiers saluting a single female officer!
Valparaíso - 120 km northwest of Santiago
And this is Fidel, a cute black dog I played with at the Che Lagarto Hostel , one of the best!
The hills above and behind downtown are connected to the lower level parallel to the shoreline by steep footpaths and Valparaíso's famous marvels of engineering: the hillside elevators, which were built between 1883 and 1916.
Interesting architecture of ancient style turned into 'state of the art' - this glass front highriser towers out of the sceleton of an old colonial building
The lively Harbour of Valparaíso
These containers bear the logo of Hamburg Süd, a shipping company familiar from home! (Seedje, hier hab ich sehr an Dich gedacht!)
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One of the famous elevators, almost a hundred years old by now, and actually quite an adventure to take!