UNITED STATES: September 26 - December 3, 2004

Your Dictionary


Sunday, October 24th, 2004 - North Conway, New Hampshire
After today’s breakfast we took off to drive up Cathedral Ledge, the 200m-high rock behind the house. With the correct equipment, you could also climb it (which Aaron would have loved to do) but if you know me and my vertigo well enough, you know that this would only happen over my dead body... The look-out platform on top was at the end of a scenic road and offered a great panoramic view over the White Mountain Range and its valleys. The trees around Cathedral Ledge were in the prime of their fall foliage and it was incredibly beautiful. In case you wonder (just as I did) what exactly causes the colour change in the leaves, here is the answer: Basically, it is growth and chemical change that account for the trees’ bright colours in autumn. About two weeks before the leaves change colour, a cell layer forms at the base of each leaf. This stops the flow of moisture to the leaf. As a result, chlorophyll, which is what makes the leaf green, is not renewed, so other colours can be seen. Depending on the chemical make-up of each tree, different colours will appear.

After Cathedral Ledge, we drove to North Conway again. I absolutely had to see a place called the “Bavarian Chocolate House”. It was a chocolaterie and obviously, I couldn’t simply pass it by. Then again, I was quite disappointed when the lady inside told me that there was nothing German or Bavarian about the house, except its name. At least the chocolate we bought here was excellent.

Again it was passed noon and we returned to the house for a quick lunch before we started driving back to Dracut where we arrived just before dark. Tonight we were invited for dinner at another one of Aaron’s cousins (yes, he has quite many of them – in fact, more than 40!). A big part of the family was gathered there to watch the next Red Sox game. Dinner was salad, shrimps and hamburger and while the game did not really capture my attention, Hunter, the family’s cute Yorkshire Terrier, did.

P.S.: The Red Sox won again. Even the weather forecast on television predicted “cloudy” or “sunny” for next Wednesday and Thursday but put “Go Sox!” on their charts for Monday and Tuesday – indeed only two more wins to go...

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