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What's going on Today?
Info based on: personal entry by Martina, August 31, 2004
Hey Guys,

I know it took a little while for this site to be updated and let you know that I returned home safely. Unfortunately, we had a little internet problem at home and I couldn't go online until now. I apologise for that but no worries, I am fine!

As you can see, I already spent some time re-designing Sebmart a little and I'll be completing more sections in the coming days. For those of you who are familiar with website design, you know it's hard and time-consuming work. For everybody else, just trust me it is. The worst are the images! I took 800 pictures in total and each and every one of them needs to be reformatted manually before it can be uploaded. Therefore, it might take a bit until all countries are completed but I am working on it...

If you feel like distracting me a little (which me and my eyes would actually appreciate at times), please feel free to drop me an email or give me a call at my Helgoland number. I'll be here until September 16th and look forward to catching up with you!

I hope everyone out there is doing fine & we'll be touch soon!

Martina :o)

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