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Helgoland, Sepember 5th, 2005

My First Helgoland Visitor!

Guess what, last week I had the very first visit of someone I had met during my world trip!

I am happy to introduce to you: Vera from Holland. We met last year in Namibia at "The Cardboard Box" Hostel in Windhoek. Actually, we only spent 2 days together but lots of you guys know when I like someone, I don't waste any time and quickly invite them to "my island". Well, I invited Vera in early August 2004 and was more than surprised when she contacted me by email one year later to ask whether my invitation was still valid. Of course, it was!

It took us a few emails to figure out the best way for her to come over but in the end it turned out to be only 3 hours drive from the Dutch city of Groningen to Cuxhaven where Vera took the boat to Helgoland. She arrived here last Monday, August 29th, and brought the very best weather with her. Although she only stayed until Wednesday, I think it was enough to turn her into a Helgoland-lover... and here is why:

Before she left, I asked Vera to do me a little favour and write something about Helgoland that I could publish on my website. I am very happy she did. Please bear in mind that I did not bribe nor force her to write what you are going to read. Everything she says are her own words. And this is what Vera wrote about "my island" :

"Meine erste 3 Tagen im Helgoland!! Sie waren SUPER. Wie Martina mich erst erzählte über Helgoland hatte ich nie denken können, das es wirklich eine solche bezaubernde und friedliches Platz in die Welt gab.

Although her father, their family friend Dagmar and Martina helped me to train my German speech for three days, I don’t trust myself to describe my experiences here on Helgoland in German. As what Helgoland does not have in square metres, it does have in beauty, peace, nature and in my case....... sun!

Yes, it is true; I can only think and write about Helgoland with a big smile and with great surprise!


Arriving with the large boat "Wappen von Hamburg" on the door steps of Helgoland, thinking how do I get off? Well, just let yourself be helped into tiny white fishermen boats that take you ashore. Luckily, in my case the sun was shining, the wind was not blowing really hard, but it might require a strong stomach and will be less picturesque when it is storming...... But it gave me an instant feeling of entering a different world.


Taking a very small boat for 5 minutes to a small island (called "die Düne") just for a relaxing day on a nearly deserted beach. Nice blue (see-through) water, seals lying just a few metres away, white sands and wooden seats that look like they have just featured in a 50s movie!!! And then..... you see this small aeroplane flying from the sea straight at you! Little panic, until Martina explains that the plane is just about to land on the air strip that is situated just a few metres behind there... I could have imagined that I was featuring in this movie. Almost unreal.


Walking around the beautiful green Oberland, overlooking the blue sea, the red rocks and listening to Martina telling the amazing history of Helgoland. As I was born and raised in Holland, I am embarrassed to say I knew nothing about this island so close by. Fortunately, walking on the island is like walking through a detailed history book.


Being Dutch and therefore grown up with the need of gaining and protecting the land from the sea and then seeing the Helgoländer being so at ease with the forces of nature and of the sea.


Let´s not forget. I am used to it after two days, but there is no traffic on Helgoland, so no pollution, no noise, just silence! Imagine: looking out of your window at night and all you hear is the sea... Not a sound of cars or anything, not even far away in the distance.

I warn you: if you are really unable to relax and need noise, don´t come to Helgoland. For those who want to be on a unique spot in the world: come and visit Helgoland!

I definitely agree with Martina now. It is true: you have not seen the whole world, if you haven´t been to Helgoland! Even for those, who go or went on trip around the world..."

Listen to that guys, and this is my home, YEAH!!!

Apart from that, let me update you on the progress with my pictures: I finally finished to prepare all 3092 South America photos and will start to upload them soon. Unfortunately, this means that I haven't even started working on Asia yet but I hope to get it all done by Christmas!

No, seriously, it took me over 50 hours to get this far and as soon as I start working again, I will have some other things to do as well. Therefore, I am doing my best to progress. Talking about work: I haven't found a job yet but I am looking... wish me luck!

Martina :o)

P:S.: Vera, thanks again for your visit and for loving my home (almost) as much as I do!

Vera and Me, August 31st, in front of my parents' house on Helgoland



So, what's new on

5.9.: Vera's visit on Helgoland

3.8.: Return Info on this page, picture work in progress...

27.1.: 14 pages of USA pictures are available, the only part still missing is San Francisco - not sure I will manage to do it before leaving... sorry!

18.1.: USA Picture Gallery is online!

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