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What's going on Today?
Helgoland, October 20th, 2005



Yes indeed, after 11 (in words: ELEVEN!!!) interviews, they finally decided that they want me... and I will be working again as of November 15th and will be located in Basel, Switzerland!

I will be working for Novartis, a Swiss multinational and world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Their core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. The name "Novartis", derived from the Latin "novae artes", meaning "new skills," reflects the company's commitment to focus on research and development in order to improve, extends and save peoples' lives. (

My job title will be "Staffing Manager" and I will be in charge of providing my internal clients with appropriate talent (= candidates) to fill vacancies in the areas of Human Resources, Legal, Pharma Communications, Business Development & Licensing, and in the CEO Office. This includes managing the staffing process (sourcing, selection, hiring) as well as contributing to their global HR network through projects and benchmarking existing processes. For my former colleagues in Spain: It is pretty much what I did at CallHR. Personally, I see it as a tiny step back - but only to take off full-speed once I got started!

Well, I don't want to close this subject without extending the following invitation (and you guys know if this is meant for you): If you are interested in finding a job at Novartis Switzerland in any of the areas listed above, please do not hesitate to let me know!!! ;o)

The coming weeks will be pretty busy and exciting, since I am going to Basel on Monday (Oct. 24) to be instructed by the guy who currently does my job. He won't be there in November anymore, so we agreed to meet upfront for handover. At the end of that week I am flying to Spain - first to Barcelona, then to Asturias - to see my friends there and pick up my furniture. In November I will be back in Germany for a short week between the 5th and the 12th before taking off to Basel "for good". I don't know when or how I will be able to update this website in the beginning of my time in Switzerland but I promise to make it a priority to set up internet in my new home and to invest in a suitable computer!

Til then, I might be difficult to reach, even by email but you can always try my German mobile until I get settled in Basel. I must admit that I am really looking forward to starting my new life back in professional civilisation and I am happy that I have been chosen (especially after such a long selection process!) by a company I had fancied as an employer for the past two years already. In the end, it was their headhunter who contacted me for this position (THANK YOU ERNA!) and it almost seems unbelievable that I got this job without writing a single application... What can I say? Life is great!!!

Okay guys, I leave you here to get organised for my new future but as soon as I am settled, you know that I can't wait to receive guests in my new home... in other words: Get ready to visit Basel!!!


A very happy Martina :o)

October 19th, 2005 : Signing my new contract



So, what's new on

20.10.: This page's update

28.9.: Picture Gallery in Argentina Section

5.9.: Vera's visit on Helgoland

3.8.: Return Info

18.1.: USA Picture Gallery is online!

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