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What's going on Today?
Basel, November 21st, 2006

* 1 Year in Switzerland *

Quite a few things happened over the past months and it is time I finally catch up with you!

In July I went to the US to visit a number of people I had met during my world trip. At first, I spent a few days in New York and Rhode Island, then flew to Florida and drove all the way up to Detroit, Chicago and finally to Seattle. It was a great overland ride and a very personal version of my own US road movie!

In August I was at home (i.e. Helgoland) to visit my parents and to spend a bit of summer time in family. Back in Switzerland, my dear friend Celine and her husband came to see me in Basel for a weekend. Merci à vous deux!

In September, I had another visitor, my friend Tiia from Finland (now living in Italy) whom I hadn't seen in 5 years. We actually realised that we know each other for 18 years now and we can't wait to celebrate our 20th friendship anniversary!

Later that month, a new life came into this world and my godchild Jonathan Nepomuk was born on September 25th. I was in the hospital with my friend Caro when she gave birth and it was a very profound experience.

October finally was a bit calmer, apart from a weekend spent in Munich and some courses taken at the PSI Verein Basel where I am a member.

Now that it's November, I just returned from a business trip to the US which unfortunately fell into my parents' visit here in Basel. Luckily, we still had a few days together and it was very nice to have them here. To all of you who know about my father's illness, let me tell you that he is still hangin' in there and fighting the cancer. Thanks to everyone who helps him to deal with it the way he does by sending your thoughts and your sympathy. It is much appreciated.

Apart from all that, work has kept me busy throughout the year but it recently paid off in form of a promotion and an extra bonus for my committment during the past months. As for the rest of the year, I'll spend another weekend in Munich and then finally the usual Christmas holidays back home on Helgoland...

As you can see, life is busy but good and I enjoy every tiny bit of it. So should you!

Martina :o)

My Sis and I on Helgoland this summer 2006


So, what's new on

18.02.: More Bolivia Pictures are online

21.11.: This page updated

23.10.: Parts of Bolivia Pictures are online

15.10.: Chile Pictures are online

Latest Pics of my Apartment
Some of you know that having this picture above my sofa has been my dream for four years... look, it is finally there!!
My brandnew Plasma TV - together with the Home Cinema Sound System movies are alive in my living room now!
Tiia and I having lunch at my dining table
In my kitchen preparing food - yes, it does happen!
My giant wardrobe filled with life
In the USA in July
In a Manhattan taxi cab (I had to get one just for the fun of it) With a real Gray's Papaya Hot Dog in New York
Lady Liberty and I
Aaron and I on the Detroit River
To all my former colleagues at DuPont: I found this at the visitors center - dynamite that helped to carve the famous faces into the mountain! Sunset over the Mississippi - or was it the Missouri? I crossed them both on this trip
Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, completed in 1941
The chair in which Lincoln was shot in 1865, exhibited at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit
On the left: Views in Yellowstone National Park
On the road in Wyoming
Friends - thank you for being who you are...
Christiane and I on Helgoland in August; we graduated High School together in 1994 Françoise and me in our belly dance costumes during a show in September here in Basel Ilene and me just last Friday in New York City (met her while I was on my business trip in New Jersey)
Celine and Frederic after he helped me to fix that picture frame in my entrance
At last but not least: My lovely Godson Jonathan Nepomuk, 10 hours after he was born
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