April 25, 2004 - July 21, 2005


from Patagonia to the Galapagos Islands

February 3rd - May 4th, 2005

Your Dictionary



SOUTH AMERICA - from Patagonia to the Galapagos Islands

Kilometers travelled: will be lots!!

Countries visited: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador

Highlights: we'll see...

Hardest Thing done: climbing Machu Picchu!!

Survival Factor: glaciers in Patagonia, Amazon jungle and the Andes - it's going to be interesting!

Time & Money spent: 13 weeks - XXXX Euro

On the Inka Trail
Argentina February, 3rd - March, 2nd
Peru March, 17th - April, 9th
Chile February 25th /26th & March, 2nd - 9th & May 2nd - 4th
Ecuador April, 10th - May, 2nd
Bolivia March, 10th - 17th