BOLIVIA: March 10 - March 17, 2005

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La Paz to Copacabana
And a view of the inside of the bus
Photo shots out of the bus window
Somewhere along the ride we had to cross a lake. In order to do that, the passengers had to get off the bus to take the small boat in the middle. The bus (with all our luggage on top!) followed us on a wooden barque.
This was the first thing I saw when I looked out of my window the next morning
As many times before, my first walk in a new place took me to the water. This time it was to the shores of gorgious Lake Titicaca.
This was my hotel where I stayed for 5 USD per night!
Even though Copacabana is a small and sleepy town, it has turned into a backpackers mekka: sunny, laid back and dirt cheap!
The cathedral was built 1605 - 1820 but looks brandnew
The famous wooden statue Virgen de Copacabana worshipped by the locals
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