CHILE: Feb. 25/26, March 2-9, May 2-4, 2005

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San Pedro de Atacama - Valle de la Luna (continued)
From far away the natural sculptures shaped by wind and erosion never looked as big as they actually were!
This was the part of the Moon Valley that basically had turned into a salt desert - thus the white in the pictures. The one in the middle for example, shows the entrance to an old salt mine.
Coming closer, every bit and piece of rock was an artwork in itself, decorated with those fine lines of salt cristals shining in the sun
Good to see that even in the most deserted place on earth somebody would take care of the traffic risks...
At the end of the day, we went to an especially high sand dune to watch the sunset. It reminded me of Egypt, except that it was much colder here and quite a bit windy. But at least, I did not screw up my camera and could take some pictures this time!
My exact view in this moment - once camera faced up and once faced down
Some people went further towards the end of the dune but I couldn't be bothered walking in the sand - I've had too much of that in Egypt!
Surprisingly, even when the sun was down, there was still enough light to take pictures. The scenerey actually got an almost gloomier moon touch than before. The light had turned colder.
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