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What's going on Today?
Helgoland, Sepember 28th, 2005

Quick Update

Hello Everyone,

I am writing these lines to inform you about the progress of my pictures and this website: I finally finished to prepare all 3092 South America photos and started to upload them. The Picture Gallery of Argentina is completed! Unfortunately, this will be it for a little while as I won't have access to my dad's computer in October. In fact, I won't be at home for most of next month due to a temp job on the mainland. As soon as I am back I will let you know!

To all those people who are desperately waiting for my pictures from Asia (especially my fellow travellers who are waiting to receive their copies), please be patient. I just finished distributing the photos I took in South America but I hope to get all pictures done by Christmas!

Martina :o)

P.S.: Some people tried to read the diary entries of the countries I recently travelled. These entries are not there yet and will only be added after I finished working on the pictures. Sorry, but I can only focus on one thing at a time!

Vera (right) and me in the street in front of my parents' house

To read about Vera's Helgoland experience, click here.

The shoes that got me everywhere... and BACK!!!



So, what's new on

28.9.: This page's update plus Picture Gallery in Argentina Section

5.9.: Vera's visit on Helgoland

3.8.: Return Info

18.1.: USA Picture Gallery is online!

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